May 2, 2011- Cory Altheide on Digital Forensics in a Cloud-y World

Every new advance in computing technology brings about cries of doom from forensics practitioners. Each step forward for computing will inevitably bring about the end of our discipline and allow computer criminals to operate with impunity, they say. This attitude mirrors what science fiction authors have called the “technological singularity” – a point of technological advancement so rapid that the “future” becomes nearly impossible to predict. In this talk, we will discuss current and near-future trends and advances in cloud & mobile computing and digital storage which may mark the end of traditional “computer” forensics, while making the role of modern “digital” forensics even more important.

Guest speaker: Mr. Cory Altheide (Security Engineer, Forensics & Incident Response, Google Inc)
Workshop co-chairs: Giuseppe Vaciago (University of Milan -Bicocca) and Stefano Zanero (Polytechnic of Milan)


Morning Program (Aula Magna del Rettorato of Polytechnic of Milan)

9.00– 12.00– Workshop.

List of participants: Cory Altheide (Google) Carlo Blengino (Lawyer of Turin Bar), Francesca Bosco (UNICRI – Project Officer, Emerging Crimes Unit), Elia Florio (Data Protection Authority), Roberto Flor (University of Verona – Faculty of Law), David Gabrini (Postal Police), Rodrigo Rodriguez (ATOS Research), Monica Senor (Lawyer of Turin), Giuseppe Vaciago (University of Milan -Bicocca – Faculty of Law) and Stefano Zanero (Polytechnic of Milan).

Afternoon Program (Aula De Donato – Polytechnic of Milan)
14.30 – Welcome address by Rector of Politecnico
15.00 – Cory Altheide – The Death Of Computer Forensics: Digital Forensics After the Singularity
