[TLC Interview] On Technical Challenges in Machine Ethics: An Interview with Ronald C. Arkin

Abstract Machine ethics offers an alternative solution for artificial intelligence (AI) safety governance. In order to mitigate risks in human-robot interactions, robots will have to comply with humanity’s ethical and legal norms, once they’ve merged into our daily life with highly autonomous capability. In terms of technical challenges, there are still many open questions in […]

[TLC Interview] The Quest for Roboethics: An interview with Prof. Rafael Capurro

Abstract As a pioneer of Information Ethics, Prof. Capurro had created “The Quest for Roboethics: A Survey” and spontaneously updated relevant information about ethical issues in robotics since 2010. He had participated many key European projects such as ETHICBOTS (2005-2008), ETICA (2009-2012), and CA-RoboCom which was a candidate project of EU FET Flagship initiatives. Besides, Prof. Capurro […]

[ITA] 13 settembre 2016- Controllo del lavoratori, cyber espionage e tutela del segreto industriale

Il Tech and Law center è lieto di invitarvi al seminario  intitolato “Controllo dei lavoratori, cyber espionage e tutela del segreto industriale”, che si terrà il 13 settembre all’ Università degli Studi di Torino a partire dalle ore 14.30. L’evento è gratuito ma è gradita la conferma. Per visionare il programma dell’evento e confermare la partecipazione, […]

September 7, 2016-The Internet of Broken Things

On 7 September at 10 at Politecnico di Milano in Aula De Donato, Piazza Leonardo Da Vinci, 32, in Milan, Tech and Law Center is pleased to co-organize the event titled “The Internet of Broken Things”. The Internet of Things is upon us: by 2020, estimates say over 50 billion devices will be connected to […]